Quick and Easy Home Remedy for Headache by Homeveda.com

source: health.com

A headache is pain or discomfort in the head. It usually accompanies various diseases and is known to be one of the most common ailments people experience.

Let’s have a look at a few common home remedies or ingredients we can use to treat headache from our kitchen.

Lemon: One of the possible reason for headache could be our body being acidic. The systems in your body (enzyme, immune, and repair mechanisms) work best when their environment is very slightly alkaline. Acid comes from cell metabolism and from food metabolism. Cell metabolism produces a weak acid, which can be eliminated by breathing. The acid from food metabolism is strong and needs to be buffered (combined with something alkaline) before it is eliminated. Most of the food eaten every day is acid-forming — pizza, burgers, French fries, soft drinks, fried chicken, donuts, potato chips, pretzels, candy, etc. High acid levels in tissues lead to irritation and inflammation, which your body translates into pain. Like a headache. Therefore, low acid levels in our tissues could lead to headache prevention. Though outside the body, lemon juice is acidic, Inside the body, when lemon juice has been fully metabolized and its minerals are dissociated in the bloodstream, its effect is alkalizing and therefore raises the pH of the body (pH above 7 is alkaline), thereby helping in maintaining acid alkaline balance in the body leading to relief inn headache.

Green tea: The main active ingredient of green tea in terms of relieving headaches is caffeine… (Read full article at homeveda.com)

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