What makes Green tea nutritionally better than any other tea?

green tea

Tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, with coffee coming in a close second. Most health experts consider these drinks to be stimulants, with little health benefits for the human body.

However, of late, there have been many reports advocating consumption of Green tea. It is believed that Green tea has a number of medicinal properties that boost immunity and vitality, while providing relief from several health disorders. While Green tea may have come into the limelight recently, it is in fact an ancient brew, which has been used by various civilizations for its potential medicinal properties.

Green tea is made from unfermented leaves of the tea plant. These leaves are specially steamed and this preserves their natural disease fighting properties. Regular black tea is made by fermenting and treating tea leaves, a process which depletes their medicinal properties to a large extent.

The best part of drinking Green tea is that it is a natural and holistic remedy. It contains no preservatives or additives that are the real culprits of allergies and are difficult to excrete from the body. Having a cup of Green tea also improves one’s mood, on the sheer strength of its aroma and tangy uplifting taste. Above all, Green tea rarely has any side effects and almost anyone can drink it, except for those taking blood thinning medications, antibiotics, hormones or asthma medications

A cup of Green tea is packed with various medicinal elements and is a mini-powerhouse of health boosting benefits. Additionally, the boiling process of green tea makes these elements easy to digest, with the body absorbing their nutrients faster. Thus, regular drinking of Green tea offers numerous benefits for a healthy body.

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