Do’s and Don’ts of Dengue Fever


Dengue fever is a viral infection that is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito. This fever is not contagious, so it can’t spread from person to person.

In most cases, symptoms manifest a week after the bite of an infected mosquito. These symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • High Fever
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Widespread rashes

While the mild cases of dengue fever recover in a week or two, in 1% of the cases dengue has been known to prove fatal. Hence, it is extremely important to visit a doctor if such symptoms are noticed, especially if one stays in an area where dengue is known to be prevalent.

Prevention is always better than cure. Here a few things you should consider:

  • Place mosquito nets on all your windows
  • Do not allow stagnant water collection in your house
  • Keep a close check on all plants, potted or otherwise
  • When outdoors, especially in the evening, wear clothes which cover you fully
  • Use mosquito repellent creams or patches or bands through the day, not just at night
  • At home use of natural oils like Citronella and Eucalyptus to repel the mosquitoes

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